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 ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.

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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyDim 4 Mai - 14:32

uc  ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. 1592235579 
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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyDim 4 Mai - 14:33


Ajout : Edern
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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyDim 4 Mai - 14:33


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A vous 00
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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyDim 4 Mai - 19:57

✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. 2709014382 
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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyMar 6 Mai - 10:35

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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyMar 6 Mai - 19:18

Edern : Tu as oublié des affaires à la maison ? next ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. 218215366

Enola : Oui ? C'est pour quoi ? heart J'ai cru voir que la jeune femme était journaliste dans le journal que Lily dirige ? 00 Tu veux qu'on parte là dessus ?
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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyMar 6 Mai - 19:37

Je crois que Ez' et Lily se connaissent forcément puisque la jeune femme est la boss de Ezekiel au journal local... Il se contente de ce job en attendant de trouver l'opportunité de publier ses articles dans des magazines connus.... Bref, je crois qu'il nous faut un lien  00 
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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyMar 6 Mai - 19:51

Lily Hannigan a écrit:

Edern : Tu as oublié des affaires à la maison ? next ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. 218215366

La jolie fille qui partageait mon lit, précisément.  ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. 2927443185 
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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyMar 6 Mai - 19:53

Oui, je pensais partir sur ça en effet, tout dépend bien sûr de ce dont tu as envie/besoin  ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. 2499007100 
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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. EmptyMer 7 Mai - 14:07

moi joveux moi joveux  *0* 
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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.   ✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked. Empty

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✖ there'll be no rest for the wicked.

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